Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Virtual Missionaries

Missions in the Virtual World

Recently I have been hearing about Second Life (or for those who play call -- 2L). This phenomena has exploded into our pop culture. From magazines, to the newspaper, to game shows - I have heard 2L discussed.

Do you know what this is all about? People playing/creating avatars for a virtual world. So we are talking Joe Schmo gets online creates a "free" avatar of himself, someone he would like to be, or something not even human and begins living in the virtual world of Linden.

People are setting up new businesses right and left to offer avatars more "entertainment" in their virtual lives. Forms of entertainment are wide-open with the possibilities of bar hopping to coffee shop/bookstore browsing. Yes, that's right people are spending real money for the virtual Linden dollar.

So usually the next question I get from people is why? I know it seems like a pretty big investment with documented cases of people playing 2L for over six hours a day. It seems like the logical answer is that many are missing fulfillment in their real lives and are searching for it here.

As many of you know I (Kristi) work for World Gospel Mission and they have launched a new campaign I wanted you all to be aware of. It's called Ambassadors to LindenLand. It's a handbook challenging people share their faith in 2L. We believe that the people behind the avatars need to know the Lord just as much as your neighbor. I am placing a link below so you all can access the resource and you can send it on to others.

So, could 2L be our next generation mission field? Looks like a pretty good possibility. Whether you think that is scary or exciting - God is in control! Be Blessed.


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